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Learn to Skate
Fall Registration CLOSED

The 2nd Fall Session runs from October 14th to December 22nd
**No classes Thanksgiving week 11/25-12/01**

 Program Information




Tots 1-4, Beginner 1-3


Intermediate 1-2, Advance 1-5, Adult Beginner/Intermediate




Tots 1-4, Beginner 1-3


Intermediate 1-2, Advance 1-5, Adult Beginner/Intermediate



Each session starts with 30 minutes of instruction time followed by 15 minute practice session


New To Skating ? Don’t Know Where To Start?

Tot 1 (age: 6 years or younger)

  Beginner 1 (age: 6.5 years or older)

Adult Beginner (age: 16+)


Please take a moment to watch this Learn To Skate video











Recommended Clothes For Skating

Warm Clothes (Long Pants, Long Sleeves, GLOVES, Jacket)
*Please avoid ski pants
Helmets are recommended for beginners but not mandatory.

*Bike helmets are okay!


For more Information Contact


Cost: We offer a Multi Day Discount!

We believe coming to the rink more than 1 session per week

would accelerate their rate of development. 


REGISTER for 1 day:  $243 / 9 weeks

REGISTER for 2 days/week:  $416 / 9 weeks 

REGISTER for 3 days/week:  $624 / 9 weeks


**********​rental skates are included**********




-System automatically ProRates!


                                       Tot 1-
1) Proper way to fall
2) proper way to get up
3) Marching in standing position
4) Marching while moving

                                      Tot 2-
1) 2 foot jump in place
2) Forward swizzle in place
3) single Swizzle moving
4) Beginning 2 foot glide

                                       Tot 3-
1) Push and glide stroking
2) Preparation for snowplow stop on wall
3) Dip
4) Forward swizzles

                                        Tot 4-
1) T-Position and push (right and left)
2) Backward swizzle
3) 2 foot/ 1 foot snowplow stop
4) Backward wiggles 

Beginner- Skaters 6.5 & up

                       Beginner 1-
1)2 foot glide
2) 1 foot glide (right and left)
3) Forward swizzles
4) Backward swizzles
5) Backward wiggles

                           Beginner 2 -
1) Forward Stroking (around circle)
2) Forward Crossovers (left over right)
3) Forward crossovers (right over left)
4) 1 foot snowplow stop

                        Beginner 3-
1) Backward crossovers (right over left)
2) Backward crossovers (Left over right)
3) Backward stroking 
4) Left T- Stop 
5) Right T- stop

                       Intermediate 1-
1) Left forward outside 3- turn
2) Right forward outside 3-turn
3) Left forward inside mohawk
4) Right forward inside mohawk
5) Hockey stop (both sides)

                      Intermediate 2-
1) Left forward inside 3- turn
2) Right forward inside 3- turn
3) Forward outside and inside edges
4) Lunge or shoot the duck
5) Bunny Hop 

                              Advanced 1-
1) Backward outside and inside edges
2) Two- foot spin
3) Forward spiral (right and left)
4) Forward inside pivot (right and left)
5) Waltz jump
6) One half flip

                          Advanced 2-
1) Forward spirals (on circle)
2) One half lutz
3) waltz jump-tap toe- half flip
4) One foot spin
5) Ballet jump 

                              Advanced 3- 
1) Backward outside/ inside pivots
2) Change foot spin
3) Backward spirals
4) Salchow jump
5) Toe loop jump

                          Advanced 4-
1) Flip jump 
2) Loop jump
3) Sit spin
4) Half loop jump
5) Backward inside/ outside spirals

                                  Advanced 5-
1) Lutz jump
2) Axel jump
3) Back scratch spin
4) Camel spin
5) Camel sit upright

Adults- Skaters 16+

                            Adult Beginner-
1) Forward stroking
2) Forward & backward swizzles
3) 1-foot glides
4) Snow plow stops
5) Starting forward crossovers

                       Adult Intermediate-
1) Starting backwards crossovers
2) Outside & inside 3- turns
3) Mohawks
4) Spirals & Lunges
5) Shoot the duck

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